Stacey and Nick’s Stylish Wedding Ceremony at Cammeray Waters

Stacey and Nick had a very stylish Wedding Ceremony at Cammeray Waters. Just exquisite!

Cammeray Waters Wedding and Conference Venue was a new venue for me! Just minutes from Woodend it is a stunning, yet very private, complex with ceremony locations, permanent marquee for the reception, accommodation, lakes and a nine hole golf course! A Wedding at Cammeray Waters is absolutely beautiful!

On Saturday February 22nd Nick and Stacey stood on the steps of the rotunda, overlooking the lake. The weather was cool but sunny…perfect wedding weather! 

Guests chatted and enjoyed some beverages amid the picturesque grounds prior to the very stylish wedding  ceremony. The bride and her attendants arrived in three classic cars ( I think a Rolls Royce and 2 Jaguars but not totally sure) which were elegant and stylish!

The bridesmaids were pretty in pink and the groomsmen in blue suits. Stacey, arrived on her father’s arm, resplendent in a slim fitting dress which suited her perfectly. Their two small sons also arrived at this moment.

Nick was suitably impressed with his beautiful bride as he met her and assisted her up the steps to his side. 

During the ceremony their smallest son spent much of the time sitting on his mum’s feet! He was very quiet and it added to, rather than detracted from, the ceremony.


Ritual: Love Lock Ceremony

A highlight of this stylish wedding ceremony was the Love Lock Ceremony. Nick had made his own large metal wall hanging of the Tree of Life. In turn the family members locked engraved padlocks – signifying their love and commitment to the whole family. It was a perfect moment  for Stacey and Nick to include their children.

Stacey and Nick chose to stay for the weekend with their friends and family after their wedding. I imagine a great time was had by all!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill


Nick J: ” Such a lovely lady to deal with, got everything done without any stress, everyone was very impressed.” listed on Easy Weddings.

Chrystal and Matt’s Family Wedding

A Great Venue for an Intimate Family Wedding

Bendigo Botanical Gardens

A Family Wedding is a very special event! This gorgeous area of the Bendigo Botanical Gardens provided the back drop for Chrystal and Matt’s Family Wedding. The pond area was a lovely  feature behind the ceremony. The little ones enjoyed the ducks and searching for “dinosaurs”! Seating in the shelter was used by the guests who were then able to hear and see everything. It is a great option for a smaller, more intimate Family Wedding!


Children at Weddings

Children at weddings!!❤️❤️❤️

Matt and Chrystal’s wedding was a true family affair . Their  boys  had  roles of  carrying  the rings and a sign. They  were right up in the action to hear and see everything! At one stage, the whole family formed a circle holding hands! So cute!

Pledge to Children:

 Chrystal and Matt made a special pledge to the boys. They promised to care for and nurture them as long as they needed their parents!

Ritual: Sand Ceremony

Chrystal and Matt chose to include a Sand Ceremony into their Family Wedding. It provides a visual reminder of the family. Each family member poured a layer of different coloured sand into a jar. Something new and beautiful was created. Just like sand…this family would be difficult to separate! It is a perfect way to involve children in a wedding.

Ritual: Family Certificate

It is often asked whether anyone extra can sign the Wedding Certificate. Unfortunately, because this is a legal document, it is illegal for anyone but the couple, witnesses and the celebrant to write on it! But what I can do is create a Family Certificate that anyone can sign.  The children, bridal party, guests can all be included .And the bride can use her married name for the very first time!

Family Certificate This Family Certificate was created by the children for Chrystal and Matt’s Family Wedding.

What a wonderful memory for the whole family!!!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Photos courtesy of Bec Gray- Bendigo Wedding Photographer

Rachel and Corey’s Country Wedding

Plan A or Plan B at our Country Wedding?


Rachel and Corey planned their Country Wedding for February 1st 2020 thinking that it might be 44 degrees but they could cope with that! Little did they expect that instead they would be hit with thunderstorms, torrential rain and even hail!

However, our gorgeous, but equally practical, couple had a plan for every eventuality! They also had a stand by team of family and friends ready to step in and save their country wedding!

The afternoon before their Country Wedding was hot and dusty and, when the forecast looked threatening Rachel and Corey discussed their Plan A and Plan B. I was overjoyed to find an outdoor area set up with archway etc but also an inside area with a plain white wall. Wine barrels, hay bales and florals were able to be moved between locations as the weather dictated. AND WERE WE GLAD!!!

Ten minutes before the ceremony the sky darkened and the rain fell in sheets in the distance. The quick thinking groom and guests ran out and hauled the decorations and seats inside and the guests gathered out of the weather! Corey was soaked but a quick change of his shirt saved the day!

The weather cleared long enough for the beautiful bride and their equally beautiful daughter Indie, to make their way down the aisle accompanied by Rachel’s proud dad.

The ceremony  venue was humid (my hair suffered badly) but nothing could detract from the love, emotion and pure beauty of this beautiful country wedding!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Sharp!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Photo courtesy of Bec Gray Photography 

Garden of the Future

Ebony and Simon’s Wedding at The Garden of the Future.

Garden of the Future

An unusual love story...ending in a Wedding at The Garden of the Future!

Ebony and Simon share an unusual passion for young people…lawn bowls! It is becoming a more popular pasttime for the younger generation and it is very important to these two…

They met during a lawn bowls tournament.

They initially started chatting about lawn bowls.

Lawn bowls gave them the opportunity to keep meeting.

Simon proposed on the balcony of a lawn bowls club.

Simon works as a greenskeeper.

The wedding day

After stormy weather the day before Ebony and Simon were lucky to have a near perfect day for their wedding at the Garden of the Future! Simon looked handsome in his navy attire and, although a little nervous he enjoyed chatting with family and friends as he awaited the arrival of his bride.

The first to arrive were a very cute trio…little Allira was escorted  down the path of the Garden of the Future by her two older cousins as page boys.  They held tightly to a hand each which was probably a good idea as Allira had enjoyed exploring the vast gardens during the rehearsal .

Ebony looked stunning in her gorgeous gown as she arrived on the arm of her proud dad. The picture she made was enough to bring a tear to Simon’s eye.

Just as we started the ceremony a strong breeze began to blow Ebony’s veil all over the place. I put my hand out to brush it back and the whole lot came off in my hand. Thankfully Leah came to the rescue and a crisis was averted! Ebony just laughed…she was such a gem to work with!

Ritual: Sand Ceremony

The rest of the wedding at the Garden of the Future was less eventful, although Allira had to be coerced to take part in the Sand Ceremony. If the finished product is indeed a symbol this little family will never be separated as Allira gave it a really good shake and mixed the layers to create a unique blend. Room was also left for any future additions to this lovely family!

It was indeed, a magical day!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Photographer: Rick Bentley

Hair and Make Up: Zoe from Teaze n Tanglez

Reception: All Seasons Resort Bendigo

Wedding at the Rifle Brigade Hotel

Sheena and Scott’s Wedding at The Rifle Brigade Hotel

The Rehearsal for the Wedding at the Rifle Brigade Hotel 08/01/2020

Sheena and Scott are one of the funniest couples I have had the pleasure to work with…absolute crack up! Sheena is an accomplished talker (code for never shuts up!) and Scott has a dry sense of humour that comes out at often inappropriate times. Together they are hilarious!

Their wedding was originally scheduled for Rosalind Park but the forecast of inclement weather combined with bats literally dropping from the trees (due to extended heat wave) there was a quick rethink of venue. Thankfully the Rifle Brigade Hotel were able to host the rehearsal and wedding on their beautiful balcony!

The rehearsal progressed smoothly until we got to the part where I move away out of the frame for the first kiss! What a kiss! As you can see Sheena is quite athletic and Scott quite strong! I have a feeling they may have done it before!

The Big Day: 10/01/2020

Waiting for the wedding at the Rifle Brigade Hotel to begin I was chatting with Scott’s family. The love that flowed from his mum, Rosie, for her son was beautiful. She is so proud of the man he has become!

It was very humid and steamy on the balcony of the Rifle Brigade Hotel  although a random breeze threatened to take off with my paperwork! Scott would insist that he was drinking vodka from his water glass! I probably could have done with something other than water myself!

Before long the bridal party arrived and the ceremony was underway! My husband/roadie, who was enjoying a beverage downstairs, told me that one of Sheena and Scott’s little boys handed him the sign he was carrying. If it was the one that said “I’m still single” …too late!

It was a very emotional ceremony! Both cried during the vows which were very personal and meaningful! Scott mentioned how he had fallen for Sheena physically and literally (he fell out of a tree) but it was obviously one of the best things that happened to him! Sheena made references to Doctor Who and how much she loved Scott and what real love looks like!

A sand ceremony followed that included both boys, as well as their mum and dad. It was a very special moment.

I wish Scott and Sheen all the happiness possible as their love story continues into their future together! 

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Venue: Rifle Brigade Hotel

Photographer: Christine Treacy Photography

Videography: Twenty-four 18 Productions

Reception: Marong Family Hotel

Ceremony at Bishop's Court

Elegant Ceremony at Bishop’s Court for Emily and Nic

A Secret Walled Garden in Central Bendigo

A ceremony at Bishop’s Court suited  Emily and Nic beautifully. They married on the last day of November in the picturesque garden of Bishop’s Court, Forest St,  Bendigo. They are a lovely young couple and writing their ceremony was easy; romantic, modern but semi traditional, relaxed and light- hearted.   They are very much on the same page and look forward to building a happy life together. One of the main traits they both possess is love for their family.  Nic and Emily wanted a way that their three grandfathers could participate in their ceremony during their ceremony at Bishop’s Court. I suggested that two could be witnesses and sign the marriage certificate . The third grand dad was pleased to be asked to do a short reading just after the signing.



The Big Day

After rain the previous night it was wonderful to wake to a fine, if cool, day for their ceremony at  Bishop’s Court. Everything progressed smoothly; the guests arrived promptly and had time to mingle and chat to the groom. I met some of the grandparents and we chatted about Emily’s home town of Boort. ( My husband was born in a country town not far from there.)

The bridesmaids arrived just minutes after the ceremony was scheduled to start and their burgundy dresses were gorgeous. Then Emily arrived on her father’s arm, looking absolutely divine! I believe Nic thought so too.( I’m pretty sure I saw him wipe a tear from his eye! )

It wasn’t long before their story was told, vows read and they were declared husband and wife…to deafening cheers!

The Grandfathers

Then it was time for the signing! The two witnesses were not told prior to the wedding and were overjoyed when Nic and Emily walked over to their front row seats and asked them to join them for the signing. It was such a lovely, emotional  moment. When the third grand dad completed his reading all of them gathered behind the signing table. This gave the photographer  (from AJ Taylor Images) the opportunity to capture all three with the bride and groom before they returned to their seats. It will be a wonderful memory for them all!

I received high praise during the signing when Nic told me laughingly (referring to the ceremony)  “It was nowhere near as bad as I thought!” 

That’s my job! Keeping things as stress free as possible!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Venue: Bishop’s Court B&B

Photographer: AJ Taylor

Reception: Harcourt Valley Vineyards

Elegance and style at weddiing

Elegance and style at the wedding of Angelique and Drew

Planning a wedding with elegance and style...

Elegance and style at the wedding were high priorities when I first met Angelique and Drew after they spotted me on Facebook. We talked about their ideas and came up with some lovely inclusions for their ceremony. These  included  a traditional Celtic Hand fasting with a gorgeous reading  and an elemental blessing. For those who may not have heard of Hand Fasting it is the origin of the saying “tying the knot”. In olden times it was often used to signify the couples intentions . They would then live together as husband and wife until a clergy man could be found to complete the deed. Today it adds a beautiful element of difference. It is  a moment to treasure in the words that are said and the symbolism of “binding together in marriage.” I also used the knotted cord to bind and decorate the ceremony book after the wedding!

The groom turns his back for the surprise reveal..

Drew waited for Angelique with his back turned. Angelique wanted him to turn and see her when she was at the arbor.Angelique’s uncle was serenading her as she stood waiting for her cue to proceed down the aisle.  He sang to her all the way as he escorted her to Drew’s side! Such a delight! It really made me smile!

The Ceremony

Angelique and Drew  provided lots of information about their relationship which entertained  the guests.  Drew and Angelique were able to take a few moments to relax and breathe.

The ceremony went off without a hitch! (pun intended) ! Angelique  and Drew were  overjoyed to become husband and wife! Afterwards, the lovely Christine (Christine Treacy Photography ) and I asked the guests to stand and blow bubbles as our couple proceeded back down the aisle to be greeted and congratulated! What a wonderful ending to a beautiful ceremony! It truly was an elegant and stylish wedding!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Venue: Waratah Weddings

Photographer: Christine Treacy 

Rainy Day Wedding

A Rainy Day Wedding for Elley and Aaron

A rainy day wedding is the last thing on your mind when planning your special day!

A Very Special Wedding...

All my weddings are special but when you have known the bride since she was a chirpy two year old coming into your classroom it becomes even that little bit more exciting!

I was overjoyed when Elley first contacted me…wondering if I still remembered her! We caught up and got the ball rolling to plan their dream wedding. They wanted to create a simple, romantic but personal ceremony so that is exactly what we did!

The Rehearsal...

At the rehearsal we were worried because heavy rain was forecast! The set up was so gorgeous with a large marquee with  dance floor, gorgeous gardens with fairy lights in the trees and the ceremony area with an arch, hay bales and decorations to go in. The rehearsal went seamlessly!

That night the rain set in and it did not let up.

Rain, rain, go away!

Upon arrival the hay bales were covered with tarps, there were three more marquees set up and everyone was trying to be optimistic. 

We set up the signing table  and PA system under the marquee and waited. Messages were being relayed via phone. Guests arrived and took shelter under the marquees and started enjoying the refreshments. I caught up with some people I knew (including the amazing Matt Giri who was handling the music) and the rain came down.

After a while the message came to take the tarps off in 10 minutes! The family were obviously watching the weather radar and our moment had come. The tarps came off, the shepherds hooks and decorations went in and we were underway!

Our handsome groom Aaron and his trusty groomsmen entered, guests assembled. The bridesmaids made their way down the slope and then our beautiful bride, Elley arrived on the arm of her proud dad, Garry. Mum, Annemarie cried happy tears and the ceremony was completed just as a shower came over!

It was such a romantic and emotional wedding and it showed that even a rainy day wedding  cannot dampen true love!

Celebrant: Vicki Coghill

Music: Matt Giri

Makeup:Gemma Simmons

Catering: Soul M8’s Food Truck

couples are happy

Why my couples are happy!

Why are my couples happy? There is one very good reason why my couples are happy and I get good reviews…

I listen carefully and do what people want!


You have a particular idea in mind…I help you to implement it!

You don’t know what you want…I offer suggestions and guide you!

You get as much or as little help as you need with things like writing your vows, adding readings and inclusions …things that make your ceremony special!

You can have ANY style, Any venue and I will help you make it work.

The one thing I won’t do is pressure you to have anything you don’t want!! That’s not me!

My couples are satisfied and that’s all that matters!

Reviews: website

Reviews: Facebook